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R&S®ESMD-RR Record and Replay
Категория - Радио оборудование
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Only one R&S®Key Facts
- Recording and replaying of up to 80 MHz wide I/Q data
- Never miss an event: activation of recordings with flexible realtime event capture (REC)
- Signals as received from an antenna: all receiver functions available when replaying I/Q data
- Detailed display: replay of I/Q data with increased time resolution
- Realtime replay of recorded data
Features & Benefits Never miss an event: activation of recordings with flexible realtime event capture (REC) Rare, short-time signals are difficult to record and analyze. Yet these signals are of significant interest. The R&S®ESMD-RR option includes a configurable realtime event capture (REC) that can be used to activate I/Q data recording. The R&S®ESMD records only events defined as relevant by the user. The user decides how the defined mask is used – either the trigger is activated when a signal enters or leaves the predefined mask, or the trigger remains active as long as a signal is within the mask. As a result, even events in the nanosecond range can be reliably detected using the R&S®ESMD. Signals as received from an antenna: all receiver functions available when replaying I/Q data Equipped with the R&S®ESMD-RR option, the R&S®ESMD records I/Q data up to the full 80 MHz bandwidth and stores it in the internal memory. The recorded data is played from memory directly on the instrument. All receiver functions are available when replaying I/Q data (demodulation of analog modulated signals, setting of DDCs and ITU-compliant measurements). The user sets all parameters as if in live mode. All changes are immediately adopted without additional calculation time, as if the signal was directly received from an antenna. I/Q data replay is limited only by the recording bandwidth and time limits. The recorded I/Q data can be stored on external storage media (e.g. USB flash drive) and later loaded into an R&S®ESMD for analysis. Detailed display: replay of I/Q data with increased time resolution When analyzing digital signals, radar pulses and shorttime emissions, users are interested in the time behavior of the signal. When replaying I/Q data, the time resolution in the waterfall diagram can be increased as far as the nanosecond range per line. The R&S®ESMD is therefore able to display even very short events with high resolution and provide a detailed overview of the spectral signal characteristics. Realtime replay of recorded data Recorded data is replayed in realtime in the receiver. No wait or delay time is required for redisplaying recorded signals, e.g. after parameter changes – for maximum user convenience.
Maximum recording capacity of the internal memory | |
Span | Max. record length |
2 MHz | approx. 2.5 min |
10 MHz | approx. 42 s |
40 MHz | approx. 10 s |
80 MHz | approx. 5 s |
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